Relaxation is allowing physical and/or mental tension to be released. Tension is the body's natural response to threat, part of the body's alarm or survival mechanism. It can be a very useful response, but a lot of the time, we don't need this tension, so it's okay to learn to let it go, and learn some relaxation skills.
Healthy living is a matter of balance. Relaxation is part of the balancing process alongside other aspects of your lifestyle such as what you eat, your physical activity and how you handle stress. Learning to relax takes practice, as with learning any new skill.
It is a great help to learn a relaxation technique, to help us unwind and bring our tensions and anxiety under control. There are several relaxation techniques as you scroll down this page.
Practise your chosen technique regularly so you can be more prepared for the more stressful times. You might want to start with the MP3 guided relaxation downloads.
How Relaxation Helps
Relaxation And Stress
Tension is the opposite of relaxation. We tense when we feel anxious or stressed, it's our body's natural response to feeling threatened, the alarm system which helps us deal with danger: our breathing rate increases, as does our blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, sweating, state of mental arousal and adrenaline flow. A lot of the time, we don't need those survival responses, so relaxation helps to decrease that tension and adrenaline response, to let it go.
Breathing and Relaxation
Our out-breath releases tension in the chest muscles and allows all muscles to release their tension more easily. Breathing is far more effective when we use our diaphragms, rather than with the chest muscles.
If you look at animals or babies when they lie sleeping, notice that it is their belly that moves as they breathe at rest, and not their chest.
Mindful Breathing
Colour Breathing
Practise Belly Breathing
Sit comfortably in a chair and place your hands on your belly, with your middle fingertips just slightly touching. Now breathe in deeply and notice how your finger tips move apart a little. That shows you are breathing effectively with your diaphragm. You might need to practise this!When you are feeling tense and hoping to relax, try breathing out a little bit more slowly and more deeply, noticing a short pause before the in-breath takes over (there is no need to exaggerate the in-breath, just let it happen). You might find it useful to count slowly or prolong a word such as ONE or CALM to help elongate the out-breath a little (to yourself or out loud).
There are various ways in which to achieve relaxation, most use breath control in some way. Whichever method you choose, regular practice will help. Some examples are:
Physical Activity
Simple Breathing Exercise
This breathing exercise takes only a few seconds, no matter where you are. It is particularly helpful at stressful times, and also practise it at regular intervals throughout the day.
Mindful Breathing
Relaxation & Visualisation MP3 downloads
Quick Relaxation
Wherever you are (e.g. in the car, supermarket, awaiting appointment etc)
Colour Breathing
For a fast and effective calming technique in a stressful situation, visualise the colour blue. Visualise breathing in that blue calm, and breathing out red tension.
PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION mp3Female voice, with music.
PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION mp3Male voice, with music.
MINDFUL BREATHING mp3Female voice, with music.
22 mins.
MINDFUL BREATHING mp3Male voice, with music.
More Self Help & Relaxing MP3 Downloads
Useful links
Guided Imagery Or Visualisation
Music (music is very personal, so use whatever helps you relax) either used alone, or with any of the above methods.
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